155 search results
Dear Sirs, This is only a general question and concerns the Smart Notebook function Smart lab "Flip out", i.e. Flashcards. Would it be feasi
Insert activity directly from "play" mode
Monitoring and management via SNMP
Monitoring and management via SNMP
Monster Quiz - No teams (Individual Competition)
Can you merge my trial version account files to my new polk-fl.net account for me?
New features: Interactive videos, Virtual Reality field trips, 3D models, and Open-Ended Questions
Showcase student and teacher handouts
Collecting evidence of learning from SLS activities
I was curious if smart was able to create an electronic portfolio via Lumio.
Synch 2 teacher devices without smart panel
Enable Direct Whiteboard to Whiteboard Screen Sharing · planned
Combine multiple files in SLSO lessons
Make an UWP/Microsoft Store version of SMART Notebook
Smart Notebook 23 has issues with version 22 files such as backgrounds etc.