155 search results
add equation editor to formative assessment
Enable Microphone for Student's to Submit Audio Responses to Assessment
number of pictures in a response activity
New STAAR Question Types for Texas teachers
I would love to be able to import Shout it Out data to a different format.
iQ browser crashes using Response 2 in SLSO
Copy Data to Accounts
add the ability to have the question at the top of the "shout it out" activity.
More bandwidth/servers
Display Student Feedback/Responses in the SLS lesson.
Individually allow students who are logged in to Lumio to write on a slide.
User Statistics
An administrator Dashboard to track which users in our domain are using SLSO and how often.
export report of app data
Programmatic Clearing of Chromium Data
Will Smart Response 2 be able to to work in this?
Please make your shoutout responses large enough for students to see in the back of the room
The handout data should be able to be exported in a PDF. The handout data should be exportable just like multiple choice question data is
Enhanced User Data Management on SMART Boards
Shout out! app