155 search results
Logging Students Out for Multiple Classes
Hover over object for ALT text
the ability to add axis labels on graphs
Need to save all student work to view later and grade
For Distance Learning
Hide Student Names
Some of the links
Offline copy
adding a word cloud function to shot it out
Let teachers edit the Teacher Handout without having students in the course.
Reports & Sharings
Allow students to see the Review Activity page in shout it out so they can see answers from home.
Allowing images to be searched from the internet for Shout-It-Out
move ONE pointer, not have infinite-cloned pointer
A break down of quiz questions after a monster quiz to see which students got questions right or wrong for grading purposes.
add the ability to have the question at the top of the "shout it out" activity.
More bandwidth/servers
Students can add pictures from an internet search in Shout it Out Activities
insert web page with URL