155 search results
Make pictures larger in "Response" activity.
Allow Response sheets be available after the lesson has ended
Smart Response Share Link
When exporting Response 2, I can't view the resulting file. · under review
please provide voice feature also when i am teaching class or student asking query to me by voice
Settings and apps in iQ synced with my SMART account on every display · planned
Let teachers edit the Teacher Handout without having students in the course.
Voice overs in LAB activities
I'd like to be able to compile data from individual handouts to assess trends
Teacher pacing on response assessments
A break down of quiz questions after a monster quiz to see which students got questions right or wrong for grading purposes.
whole-class whiteboard
More responsive/quicker
Shout it Out question on student view
To be able to download or print pupil responses when they have used individual handouts.
Teachers being able to record voice over for Response assessments.
Smart response 2 must have options that allow teachers to create an answer keys an use it for assessment purposes.
In Shout It Out, on the student side, it would be helpful for the Category drop-down menu to appear above the response entry box.
Reports & Sharings
add equation editor to formative assessment