155 search results
Can you make SMART Response use a students google account to connect up with like the teacher do? · completed
I need to be able to sort my students data by last name. Need first and last name column for data!
Teachers should be able to lock students' answers after they clicked the done button to indicate that they have completed their work. · planned
Student paced activity where student can see other student responses.
The ability to duplicate questions while preparing response activity
Reading assessments that track data
Viewing student responses without the lesson being live
Report on student activity or see all responses for a student
Be able to copy questions from monster quiz to assessment
Allow for magnifying on response activities.
To be able to add audio to each item on Monster Quiz. That way kids could hear the item and response choices vs. trying to read them.
adding a word cloud function to shot it out
Review children's responses after the lesson has finished
Students' Responses on Shout It Out Too Small
Smart Notebook 23 has issues with version 22 files such as backgrounds etc.
Allow students to see the Review Activity page in shout it out so they can see answers from home.
save questions and other data entry items for the the games in the online learning suite..
Feedback for: SMART response 2
Combine multiple files in SLSO lessons
Text size options for shout it out